My name is Angela Maloney and I'm a senior at Ledyard High School. This summer I lived in rural Paraguay, volunteering with Amigos de las Americas and PLAN International. I lead community service projects to prevent deforestation, promote fuel efficient stoves, and improve nutrition. I worked closely with local youth to develop leadership and plant seeds for lasting change.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Today I received a contribution from Mystic Air Quality and I am extremely grateful for their generosity.
Friday, April 24, 2009
I got my final immunization(Yellow Fever) for my trip today. This week I recieved generous donations from both the Greenville Ohio VFW and Juliet Long School. I am now waiting for Pfizer to match Al's donation and I will have all of the money for my trip.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Today I went to get two of the three immunizations I need for my trip and I will get my final immunization on Friday. I also received a donation from Gales Ferry School and I am now very close to my goal of $4,400.
Population: 6.5 million Capital: Asunción Area: 157,048 square miles(about the same size as California) Languages: Spanish, Guarani Religion: Roman Catholic Currency: guarani Life Expectancy: 71 GNA per Capita: U.S. $1,280 Main Export: Soybeans Exchange Rate: US $1= 4,400 guarani
My Gracious Supporters
Alan Opsahl
Anne Marie Snyder
Cynthia Miller
Dennis Maloney
Desiree Snyder
Elaine Maloney
Eric Snyder
Gales Ferry School
Geoff Grooms
Greenville VFW 7262
Jake Jablonski
Janice Strollo
Jenn Maloney
Juliet W. Long School
Kara Maloney
Kurt & Gianni Jannke
Ledyard Lions Club
LHS World Languages Department
Myles Kirchner
Mystic Air Quality
Norwich Family Dental Associates
Ronnie Snyder
Ronnie Snyder Jr.
Terry Maloney
Estimated Project Timeline
June 28 I fly to Miami to start gateway training July 1 Fly to Brazil and then to Paraguay July 2-6. Volunteer In-Country Briefing: I will participate in an In-Country Briefing in which AMIGOS staff and partner agencies will provide training on building a fogón, planting trees, health and safety issues and Paraguayan culture. July 6. Community Welcome: I will arrive in my community and meet my host family July 7-12. Materials for the fogones and reforestation will arrive July 7 – 17 JA volunteers may join me in my community to help work on community projects. July 13-August 2 I should be constructing an average of 1-2 fogones and planting about 10 trees per week. In addition, to holding charlas and educational activities July 20-26: I will meet for a half-day midterm to regroup and exchange project ideas with other AMIGOS Volunteers and Staff. August 3-10 Last week in community :-( August 10 I will say goodbye to my community and host family, closing ceremonies August 12-13 Debriefing, Prepare to return home August 13 Return home